
LXC, dnsmasq and nginx

I have started using lxc extensively. It's reasonably easy to set up lxc on modern Ubuntu (I would argue that it's easier than Docker), and, with it's ability to run as a limited user, is much more security friendly. It also gels much better with the way I think about virtualisation and services; I don't want to be locked-in to a vendor specific way of thinking or deploying. All my tools and my muscle memory already understand ssh and shell.

A (long, oops) while ago, I spent a while diagnosing an interesting issue. Upon reboot, nginx would be unable to talk to some lxcs, but not others. This would persist for an annoyingly long time; restarting things would have very little effect.

It turned out that dnsmasq, which the Ubuntu setup uses for dhcp and dns resolution on containers, has some very non-ideal behaviour (spoilers). Let's have a look.

First, let's try and resolve a machine that's turned off:

% lxc-ls -f example
example STOPPED  -     -     -       NO

% dig -t A example @; dig -t AAAA example @

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 44338
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

;example.               IN  A

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 23299
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

;example.                IN  AAAA

Here, we can see dnsmasq (listening on report that the name is not found. My understanding of DNS, at the time, was that this was correct. You asked for a domain that didn't exist, and you get a NXDOMAIN, right? Turns out this is wrong, but let's go with my original understanding for now.

Let's start the machine, and see that it now has a name:

% lxc-start -n example
% lxc-ls -f example
example RUNNING  -     -       NO

% dig -t A example @

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 56889
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

example.         0   IN  A

Yep! It's picked up the name, as expected. Instantly. No cache timeouts or anything... after all, the thing managing the DHCP is the same as the thing managing the DNS, so it should all be instant, right?

Let's check AAAA again:

% dig -t AAAA example @

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 5445
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

;example.                IN  AAAA

Still returning NXDOMAIN, as I was expecting.

However, in this state, nginx will frequently fail to resolve the name "example".

nginx appears to send both a v4 (A) and v6 (AAAA) request to the configured DNS server simultaneously, and will act on whichever response it sees first. Again, I thought this would be okay; it will ignore the missing v6 record, and continue with the v4 record?

Well, no. That's not how DNS works. In DNS, NXDOMAIN does not mean "I don't know". It means "this definitely doesn't exist". This is not the appropriate error for something which is unknown. nginx sees the "this definitely doesn't exist" v6 response, and hence ignores the v4 response: it doesn't exist, so couldn't possibly have a v4 response.

What dnsmasq is doing is forwarding the query for unknown names to the upstream DNS server, which is correctly informing us that it will never give an answer for a single-word name. dnsmasq is caching this response, seperately for v6 and v4. When the lxc boots, and gets its DHCP/DNS name assigned for v4, dnsmasq doesn't purge the NXDOMAIN cache from v6. I would call this a bug, but the people who understand DNS say otherwise.

The solution is simple: start dnsmasq with domain-needed. This prevents it from forwarding requsets for single words (like example) to the upstream server, so it never sees an NXDOMAIN, so you don't get into this weird state.

On the Ubuntu setup, I am doing this by adding a config file to /etc/default/lxc-net:


... which itself can contain:


... in addition to any other settings you might want to set, in the hope that dnsmasq might honour them.

(It won't. More on that another time.)

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